CEO Message

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the H & M Power System website. These are exciting yet challenging times at H & M Power System and I hope our website creates an opportunity for our valued visitors around the world to learn more about our leading-edge operations, financial performance, strategies, services, sustainability initiatives, and values.

This website is part of the external manifestation of our commitment to transparency and open communications to all our stakeholders as well as to the wider public interested in our activities.

H & M Power System is proud to be opening the door to endless possibilities for our new generation, the generation that is rapidly becoming an effective part of the global. Electricity needs have become an integral part of our everyday lives and will become even more so as we move towards an unprecedented level of integrated convergence.

Our offering will set us apart in the sector with a range of power generators and solar solution technologies services. Our mission is to serve our customers, satisfy our employees and be accountable to our stakeholders and the community at large. This philosophy has been embraced by all departments within H & M. and also committed professionals work together towards making our collective vision a reality.

Our customers are at the heart of all we do at H & M. And by listening to what they think, feel and want, we aim to transform as we know it and fulfill our shared vision. I am sincerely grateful for the faith placed in us by our stakeholders, customers, business partners, investors and the employees. We are committed to reciprocating their trust and goodwill by delivering on our promise to delight our customers by enabling easier, more fulfilling the services.

Best wishes.


Ahmad Nawaz.